Activity - Data Science Toolkit#

  1. Create a GitHub account in the following link.

  2. Create a GitHub repository named gmu_casbbi_nrt. You can do it directly here new.

  3. Launch this file in Google Colab pressing the Launch Botton in the upper right corner and then select Colab.

  4. Modify the next cell with your answers.

  5. Run all the cells.

  6. Save the notebook as about_me.ipynb in your local files.

  7. Upload it to your GitHub repository you just created.

name = "Alonso G. Ogueda-Oliva"
i_am_from = "Valparaíso, Chile"
program = "Mathematics Ph.D."
about_me = "I like hiking and biking"
fun_fact = "Half of one of my teeth is fake because I fell out when I was a child"
reason_apply = "I really enjoy working in interdisciplinary teams and learn about everything"
    My name is {name}, I am from {i_am_from} and I am enrolled in the {program} program at GMU.

    {about_me}. And a fun fact about me is that {fun_fact}.

    I applied to the CASBBI's NRT program because {reason_apply}.
    My name is Alonso G. Ogueda-Oliva, I am from Valparaíso, Chile and I am enrolled in the Mathematics Ph.D. program at GMU.

    I like hiking and biking. And a fun fact about me is that Half of one of my teeth is fake because I fell out when I was a child.

    I applied to the CASBBI's NRT program because I really enjoy working in interdisciplinary teams and learn about everything.