Alonso Ogueda

Another typical and boring personal webpage for sharing who I am. I consider myself as an applied mathematician interested in real world challenges. I have been close to both academia and industry since some time, I used to work as a lecturer while I was getting my master but also I used to work as a data scientist and doing some free-lance projects related to statistics and machine learning. Currently I am a math PhD student at George Mason University (USA) doing my best.

I love outdoor activities as hiking or biking, but I also like nerd things as any other mathematician. However, I tried to learn new skills as often as I can. I don’t want to be the best, just good enough for enjoy it, since being the best takes too long and I couldn’t learn as much as I want to.

Let me know if you would like to teach me something new or if you want to share with me your favorite song, movie, video or meme (I love memes but it sounds very unprofessional). I would like to recommend you this video, it is about learning as the time goes by (if you like it I strongly encourauge you to watch more videos from this channel). Finally, on the bottom there is a photo I took in one of my trekking vacations in El Chaltén (Argentina) and then I edited while I was learning about post-editing.

El Chaltén, Argentina